English: Spring roll / Deutsch: Frühlingsrolle / Español: Lumpia / Português: Rolinho Primavera / Français: Rouleau de printemps / Italiano: Involtino primavera /

Lumpia is a beloved dish in Filipino cuisine, and it holds a special place on dining tables around the world. Often referred to as Filipino spring rolls, Lumpia consists of thin wrappers filled with a variety of ingredients, resulting in both savory and sweet delights. In this article, we will delve into what Lumpia is in the food context, provide examples of its different variations, discuss potential risks, and highlight its application areas. Additionally, we will explore the history and legal aspects of Lumpia and list some similar dishes from other cuisines.

Lumpia: Definition and Variations

Lumpia can be described as a type of spring roll traditionally made with thin crepe-like wrappers, typically filled with various ingredients. The term "Lumpia" encompasses a wide array of dishes, and it is further divided into two main categories: Lumpiang Shanghai and Lumpiang Sariwa.

Lumpiang Shanghai: These are Filipino-style fried spring rolls, known for their crispy exterior and flavorful meat-based filling. The filling typically consists of ground pork or a mixture of ground pork and shrimp, seasoned with various herbs and spices. The name "Shanghai" reflects the Chinese influence on Filipino cuisine.

Lumpiang Sariwa: Also known as "fresh spring rolls," Lumpiang Sariwa is a non-fried version of Lumpia. Instead of a crispy shell, it features a soft, translucent wrapper made from rice flour or cornstarch. The filling is fresh and often includes a medley of vegetables like jicama, carrots, cabbage, and green beans, along with shrimp and sometimes tofu. It is served with a sweet garlic-peanut sauce.

Examples of Lumpia Variations

  1. Lumpiang Hubad: A deconstructed version of Lumpiang Sariwa, where the ingredients are laid out separately and wrapped in the soft rice wrapper at the table.

  2. Turon: A sweet Lumpia variation filled with slices of ripe bananas and sometimes jackfruit, rolled in brown sugar, and fried until caramelized.

  3. Lumpiang Ubod: This version of Lumpiang Sariwa features heart of palm (ubod) as the primary ingredient for the filling, along with other vegetables and shrimp.

Nutritional Profile

The nutritional content of Lumpia varies depending on the type and ingredients used. Lumpiang Shanghai, being fried, is higher in fat and calories compared to Lumpiang Sariwa. However, both types offer a range of nutrients from vegetables, proteins from meat or shrimp, and carbohydrates from the wrapper.

Application Areas

  1. Appetizer: Lumpia is often served as an appetizer at Filipino gatherings and celebrations.

  2. Main Course: Lumpiang Sariwa, in particular, can be substantial enough to serve as a main course due to its combination of vegetables and proteins.

Potential Risks

One of the potential risks associated with Lumpia, especially Lumpiang Shanghai, is its high calorie and fat content when deep-fried. Moderation in consumption is advised, and some prefer the non-fried version, Lumpiang Sariwa, for a healthier alternative.

History and Legal Basics

The history of Lumpia is intertwined with the Philippines' colonial past, reflecting influences from Chinese and Spanish cuisines. Over time, it evolved into the beloved Filipino dish we know today. In terms of legal aspects, there are generally no specific regulations governing Lumpia production and sale, as it is considered a traditional and homemade dish.

Similar Dishes from Other Cuisines

  1. Spring Rolls (China): Chinese spring rolls, or Chun Juan, are similar to Lumpia Shanghai, often filled with a combination of meat and vegetables.

  2. Fresh Spring Rolls (Vietnam): Vietnamese fresh spring rolls, known as Gỏi cuốn, bear a resemblance to Lumpiang Sariwa. They feature rice paper wrappers and are filled with shrimp, herbs, and vegetables, served with dipping sauces.

  3. Egg Rolls (United States): American-style egg rolls, often found in Chinese-American cuisine, share some similarities with Lumpia Shanghai.


Lumpia is a versatile and delectable Filipino dish, showcasing the fusion of culinary influences in the Philippines. Whether you prefer the crispy delights of Lumpiang Shanghai or the fresh, vibrant flavors of Lumpiang Sariwa, Lumpia offers a delightful eating experience. While it is essential to be mindful of the potential health risks associated with fried versions, Lumpia remains a beloved and iconic dish in Filipino cuisine, celebrated at gatherings and enjoyed by food enthusiasts worldwide.

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