Deutsch: Mole / Español: Mole / Português: Molho mole / Français: Mole / Italiano: Mole

Mole in the food context refers to a traditional Mexican sauce that is complex in both its ingredients and flavors. Known for its depth and richness, mole is a hallmark of Mexican cuisine, encompassing a variety of family recipes and regional variations. The sauce typically combines chilies, spices, fruits, and sometimes chocolate, creating a unique blend of sweet, spicy, and savory elements.


Image demonstrating Mole in the food context

Mole's origins can be traced back to the pre-Hispanic era, with its development attributed to the blending of indigenous ingredients and cooking techniques with those introduced by the Spanish. The most famous version, mole poblano, is said to have originated in the state of Puebla and is characterized by its use of chocolate, which adds a subtle sweetness and depth to the sauce. However, mole recipes vary widely across Mexico, with each region and even each family offering its own unique take on the dish.

Ingredients in mole can include a variety of dried and fresh chilies, nuts, seeds (such as sesame seeds), spices (like cumin, cinnamon, and clove), tomatoes, tomatillos, garlic, onions, and chocolate. The preparation of mole involves toasting, grinding, and simmering these ingredients to achieve a thick, smooth sauce. Due to its complexity and the time required to prepare it, mole is often reserved for special occasions and celebrations.

Application Areas

Mole is most commonly served with poultry, but it can also accompany other meats, vegetables, or be used as an enchilada sauce. In Mexico, it's a staple dish for major celebrations such as weddings, birthdays, and national holidays, particularly the Day of the Dead and Cinco de Mayo.

Well-Known Examples

  • Mole Poblano: Perhaps the most internationally recognized mole, featuring a blend of chocolate, chili peppers, and spices.
  • Mole Negro: A darker, richer variant from Oaxaca, known for its use of black chilies and chocolate.
  • Mole Verde: Made with green tomatillos, green chilies, and fresh herbs, offering a lighter, herby flavor.

Treatment and Risks

While mole provides a rich tapestry of nutrients from its diverse ingredients, including antioxidants from the chilies and chocolate, it can also be high in calories and fat due to the use of nuts and seeds. As with many traditional dishes, enjoying mole in moderation as part of a balanced diet is advisable.

Similar Terms or Synonyms

  • Mexican Sauce: A broad term that can include mole among other traditional Mexican sauces.
  • Guajolote: In some regions, dishes served with mole are referred to by this term, especially turkey mole.


Mole is a quintessential representation of Mexico's culinary heritage, embodying the complex interplay of ingredients and flavors that define Mexican cuisine. Its variety reflects the country's rich regional diversity, with each type of mole offering a different taste experience. Celebrated in both everyday meals and festive occasions, mole continues to be a source of national pride and a beloved symbol of Mexican gastronomy.


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