Glossary O

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Oksekjott is theNorwegian word which means "beef".
Ou is the Romanian term for "Egg".

Oven Bag refer to heat-resistant nylon bags for cooking meals without basting or tending.

O-Nigiri is another term for Onigiri which are Japanese rice balls.
Ojja which is also known as Chakchouka refers to a Tunisian ragout/stew made paprika and onions that are fried in oil and seasoned with a chilli sauce called Harissa then stewed with tomato. Eggs are broken and lightly poached over the ragout. It is served sprinkled with dried mint and parsely and eaten with freshly baked crusty bread. It can be eaten garnished with grilled meat or spicy sausages called Mergeuz. Ojja is ideal for a quick light lunch or supper. Ojja which is eaten by many all over the Maghreb is a quick meal is a delicious and spicy breakfast or brunch, a quick fix meal after a busy day but also perfect for a light supper after a heavy weekend meal. Ojja is vegetarian-friendly but meats can be easily add to satisfy all the meat lovers. Ingredients used are traditionally peppers, onions and tomatoes but this dish is not limited to that. Spinach, potatoes, pepperoni, aubergines, courgettes can also be added. Chackouka is a Berebere word meaning vegetable ragout. The word Chakchouka also spelled Shakshuka or Shaqshuqa is staple meal not only all over the Maghreb but all over the Middle East, the Balkans and parts of Europe. This dish orginally comes to us from the Ottoman Empire from the dish Menemen. There are several different variations of the dish Menemen all around the world: Lecsó from Hungary , Letscho in German, Leczo in Polish, Lecso in Czeh and Slovak, Huevos rancheros in Latin America, Ratatouille in France, Piperade in Basque country and finally another spelling of this dish Shaksuka enjoyed all over Arabia from Palestine to Somalia. Ojja or Chakchouka was introduced to Tunisia by the Turks; from there this dish became famous althroughout North Africa up until Andalusia in Spain. Sepharic Jews took this dish to the area of Palestine and Israel after the Jewish exodus. The spices used in this dish however, slightly vary from region to region. In Morocco for example the all famous Ras el hanout is used, while in Tunisia Harissa is the main seasoning. Ojja/Chakchouka is a famous attraction in the area of Nabeul in Tunisia. Similar to the communal cooking of Paella in Spain, guests crowd around a huge flat cooking pot that is manned by your waiter/cook.

Organik Pazari refers to "organic market" found in Turkey where organic products are being sold, from vegetables to fruits.

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