Glossary L

Deutsch: Lollo Rosso / Español: Lollo Rosso / Português: Lollo Rosso / Français: Lollo Rosso / Italiano: Lollo Rosso

Lollo Rosso in the food context refers to a variety of lettuce known for its frilly, deep red-edged leaves. It falls under the category of leaf lettuce, similar to Lollo Bionda, which has green leaves. Lollo Rosso is celebrated for its mild, slightly bitter taste and its crisp, yet tender texture. This lettuce variety is not only appreciated for its flavor but also for its decorative appearance, making it a popular choice in salads and as a garnish to add color and volume.

Deutsch: Linsen-Gebratener Reis / Español: Arroz frito con lentejas / Português: Arroz frito com lentilhas / Français: Riz frit aux lentilles / Italiano: Riso fritto con lenticchie

Lentils Fried Rice in the food context refers to a dish that combines cooked lentils and rice, stir-fried together with various seasonings, vegetables, and sometimes meats or seafood. This dish is a hearty, nutritious meal that merges the rich proteins and fibers of lentils with the comforting texture of fried rice. Lentils, being a staple legume in many cultures around the world, offer a versatile and healthful addition to fried rice, infusing the dish with additional flavors, textures, and nutritional benefits.

Deutsch: Gegrillter Schweinebauch / Español: Panceta de cerdo asada / Português: Barriga de porco assada / Français: Poitrine de porc rôtie / Italiano: Pancetta di maiale arrosto

Lechong Liempo in the food context refers to a Filipino dish that consists of roasted or grilled pork belly, prepared in the style of traditional lechon, which is a whole roasted pig. The dish captures the essence of lechon with its crispy skin and tender, flavorful meat, but it focuses specifically on the pork belly portion, making it more accessible and practical for everyday cooking compared to roasting a whole pig.

Deutsch: Gebratenes Schwein / Español: Lechón asado / Português: Leitão assado / Français: Cochon de lait rôti / Italiano: Maiale arrosto

Lechong Baboy in the food context refers to a traditional Filipino dish of roasted whole pig. It is renowned for its crispy skin and tender, flavorful meat, making it a centerpiece at many celebrations, festivals, and special occasions in the Philippines. The process of preparing Lechong Baboy involves seasoning the pig with a mixture of spices and ingredients, then slowly roasting it over an open flame for several hours until the skin achieves a golden, crispy texture and the meat becomes succulent and juicy.

Deutsch: Lorbeerblätter / Español: Hojas de laurel / Português: Folhas de louro / Français: Feuilles de laurier / Italiano: Foglie di alloro

Laurel Leaves in the food context refer to the leaves of the bay laurel tree (Laurus nobilis), used as an aromatic herb in cooking. These leaves are known for their distinctive fragrance and slightly bitter flavor, which can enhance the taste of various dishes. Laurel leaves are commonly used in soups, stews, marinades, and sauces, imparting depth and complexity to the flavors of the dish.

Deutsch: Zackenbarsch / Español: Mero / Português: Garoupa / Français: Mérou / Italiano: Cernia

Lapu-lapu in the food context refers to a species of fish known scientifically as Epinephelus spp., commonly referred to as grouper in English. This fish is highly prized in culinary circles for its firm, white flesh that is both mild in flavor and very versatile, making it suitable for a wide range of dishes. Lapu-lapu is particularly celebrated in Filipino cuisine, where it is often used in grilled, fried, and stewed dishes, showcasing the fish's ability to absorb and enhance the flavors with which it is cooked.