Deutsch: Leber / Español: Hígado / Português: Fígado / Français: Foie / Italiano: Fegato

The liver is a vital organ present in vertebrates and some other animals. It has a wide range of functions, including detoxification, protein synthesis, and production of biochemicals necessary for digestion. The liver is necessary for survival; there is currently no way to compensate for the absence of liver function in the long term, although new liver dialysis techniques can be used in the short term.

In the food context, the liver usually refers to the liver of animals that is used for human consumption. The liver is a nutrient-dense organ meat that is rich in iron, vitamin A, vitamin B12, and other essential nutrients.

Some examples of liver dishes from around the world include:

  • Foie gras: A French delicacy made from the liver of a fattened duck or goose.
  • Pâté: A spreadable paste made from liver, often served on crackers or bread as an appetizer.
  • Liver and onions: A classic American dish featuring sautéed liver and onions seasoned with salt and pepper.
  • Fegato alla veneziana: An Italian dish of liver and onions, often served with polenta.
  • Leberknödel: A German dish consisting of liver dumplings served in soup.

Similar foods to liver include other organ meats such as kidneys, heart, and tongue. These meats are also rich in nutrients and can be used in a variety of dishes.

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