English: In the Forest style / Deutsch: Waldmanns Art / Español: A la Forestiere / Português: À la florestal / Français: A la Forestière / Italiano: Alla forestiera /

a la Forestiere is a French term that literally means ""in the style of the forester", it is a French cooking term that refers to meat or poultry which is to be served with sauteed mushrooms or foods garnished and served either with sauteed mushrooms, fried potatoes, or ham or bacon.

Likewise, "a la Forestiere" refers to a method of preparation of small cuts of meat and poultry with sauteed mushrooms. This dish is garnished with morels, lean larding bacon cut in large squares and diced potatoes fried in butter. Mushrooms can either be sautes cepes or morilles, or according to season.

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