Glossary D

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Dilis na sariwa, also known as fresh anchovies, is a popular seafood delicacy in Filipino cuisine. These small, silvery fish are enjoyed for their distinctive flavor and versatility in various culinary preparations.

English: Anchovies / Deutsch: Sardellen / Español: Anchoas / Português: Anchovas / Français: Anchois / Italiano: Acciughe /

Dilis is the Filipino word for Anchovy/Anchovies. It is a small variety of fish about 15 centimeters long and found in the Mediterrean and Antarctic and North Sea.

Dinuguan refers to one of the traditional dishes from the Philippines. It is a pork blood stew made from cubed meat of pork that is stewed with pork blood. It is also cooked with pork innards called Laman Loob in Filipino, such as the Liver (Atay) and Intestines (Bituka). Dinuguan is cooked with vinegar, some are using fresh young tamarind leaves and lots of spicy green banana Chilies. For many lovers of this dish, the spicier it is the better.

There are various versions of Dinuguan, depending on who prepares it and from what region in the country. Some are cooking it only with pork meat , some with or without the innards, some are more dry, others are with more sauce. Some are adding pieces of Papaya and in San Pablo City, Laguna, they add noodles called Sotanghon (Vermicelli). Every region in the country has its own version of this dish.

Dinuguan is from the root word "Dugo" which means blood because the most important ingredient of this exotic dish from the Philippines is fresh Dugo ng Baboy (Pork Blood). Housewives or cooks who want to cook Dinuguan must request the pork butchers or sellers in the Wet market beforehand so they can reserved the blood from the freshly butchered pigs. On the other hand, the housewives/cooks must be at the market early in the morning to get the blood which is to be cooked at once while it is fresh.

Dinuguan is always paired with newly cooked white rice or Puto, a Filipino rice cake.

Below are various versions of Dinuguan. The first picture, is my sister's version of Dinuguan, with more and bigger cut of pork. I am actually amazed that they can buy fresh pig's blood in Houston, Texas where my sisters and my mom live

This version below has more sauce, with small pieces of meat and pork Intestines and Liver. Made by my sister-in-law's mom for our picnic. Lots and lots of green and red chilies. I will never get tired of eating Dinuguan. I always crave for it.

Below is the Dinuguan with spicy banana chilies served with newly cooked rice in a school Canteen offered for students lunch. Yummy

Below is the Dinuguan in one of the Fastfood shops in a big Mall in San Pablo City, Laguna. It only shows that, Dinuguan is always a part of traditional Filipino food, hence it is always offered in many Filipino Restaurants offering traditional Filipino food.

This version is made for the birthday party of my nephew, also in Texas. I love it so much because I have not eaten Bituka ng Baboy (pork innards) in a Dinuguan for a long time, plus, it was so oily and so spicy and so good to eat with newly cooked white rice

Danggit or Daing na Danggit refers to crispy, fried sun-dried Danggit, the Filipino word for Rabbitfish, Pinspotted spinefoot, Mottled spinefoot or Spinefoot. After frying it can served with Sawsawan (dip) made from slices of fresh tomatoes sometimes with chopped onions and other Sawasawan like Suka (Vinegar) with crushed garlic and Siling Labuyo (Bird's eye chillis).

In the Philippines, fried Danggit is often served for breakfast with eggs (Nilaga/Hard-Boiled, Binati/Scrambled eggs or Sunny-side up) and of course, it is best when served with Sinangag called fried rice in English fried with crushed Bawang (Garlic)

Although it is a popular food for breakfast, fried Danggit can also be served in any other meals, lunch or dinner paired with Soup and Sauteed Vegetables.

Above are two (2) kinds of Daing or Fried Dried Fish from the province of Cebu in Philippines, the small ones at lower portion of the picture is the fried Danggit. Fried to perfection, crispy and still not dry

Danggit, a variety of fish is also known in other parts of the Philippines as Kitang, Samaral, Taragbago, Tabago, Balawis, Bangkawon, Barangan, Malaga, etc. and is part of the Siganus fish family. There are available dried Danggit always, since they thrive in Philippine waters.

Thy are called Aigo in Japan, Madar in Indonesia, Debam or Dingkis in Malaysia, and other names in other countries where they are available.

To make the fresh Danggit as special dried Danggit, they are cleaned carefully by removing the guts, butterflied or split open, salted then dried in the sun

Daing na Danggit is available in almost all supermarkets in Metro Manila and around the Philippines, but they widely available in the Visayas Island of the Philippines provinces, especially in Cebu Province, which is famous for Danggit and other dried seafoods (in Tabaon Dried Fish Market in Cebu City) Bohol and Leyte were they are caught. (Please see related article on My Blog

Below is are pictures of fried Daing na Danggit which my friend who vacationed in Cebu brought home from Cebu to Germany dried Danggit and other dried fish. Of couse, we were all given some pieces to enjoy.

Dried Danggit from Cebu still in plastic pack waiting to be fried
Dried Danggit from Cebu still in plastic pack waiting to be fried

Below is a close-up view of fried Danggit, delicious!!!

Deutsch: Bestäuben / Español: Espolvorear / Português: Polvilhar / Français: Saupoudrage / Italiano: Spolverare

Dusting in the food context refers to the process of lightly sprinkling a fine layer of a dry ingredient, such as powdered sugar, cocoa powder, flour, or spices, over the surface of a dish. This technique is used for various purposes, including enhancing the appearance of a dish, adding a touch of flavour, or preventing sticking during baking.

Deutsch: Dänemark / Español: Dinamarca / Português: Dinamarca / Français: Danemark / Italiano: Danimarca

Denmark in the food context refers to the country's rich culinary traditions and the distinct cuisine that has developed from its history, geography, and culture. Danish cuisine is known for its simplicity, high-quality ingredients, and a blend of traditional and modern techniques.

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