Glossary F

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Food', 'Flavor', 'Fruit'

Frittata comes to us from the Italian word "fritta" for "fried." It is made made from beaten eggs into which various ingredients (cooked and chopped vegetables, etc) are thoroughly mixed with cheese before cooking and the complete mixture is then fried slowly over a medium flame in extra virgin olive oil.

Deutsch: Festigkeit / Español: firmeza / Português: firmeza / Français: fermeté / Italiano: fermezza

Firmness is a key attribute in food texture, referring to the resistance a food item provides against deformation or pressure. It is an essential quality parameter in various foods, influencing consumer perception and acceptance.

Deutsch: Filter / Español: Filtro / Português: Filtro / Français: Filtre / Italiano: Filtro

Filter refers to a device or material used to remove impurities or unwanted particles from liquids, gases, or solids in various processes. In the food context, filters play a crucial role in ensuring the safety, quality, and clarity of food and beverages by eliminating contaminants and improving overall product standards.

Deutsch: Blume / Español: Flor / Português: Flor / Français: Fleur / Italiano: Fiore

Flower in the food context refers to the edible parts of plants that are used in culinary applications. These flowers can add flavour, colour, and aroma to dishes, as well as provide unique textures and nutritional benefits.

Deutsch: Fiesta / Español: Fiesta / Português: Festa / Français: Fête / Italiano: Festa

Fiesta in the food context refers to a festive celebration or gathering that features a wide variety of traditional dishes, often associated with cultural or religious events. These events are characterized by an abundance of food, music, and community spirit, and are central to many cultures around the world, particularly in Spanish-speaking countries.

Deutsch: Fladenbrot / Español: Pan plano / Português: Pão achatado / Français: Pain plat / Italiano: Pane piatto

Flatbread is a type of bread that is made with flour, water, and salt, and then thoroughly rolled into flattened dough. Flatbread is one of the oldest forms of bread, with variations found in many cultures around the world.

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