Glossary F

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Food', 'Flavor', 'Fruit'

Deutsch: Ballaststoffe / Español: Fibra / Português: Fibra / Français: Fibre / Italiano: Fibra

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate found in plant-based foods that the body cannot digest. Unlike other carbohydrates that are broken down into sugars, fiber passes through the digestive system relatively intact. This characteristic makes fiber essential for maintaining digestive health and overall well-being.

Deutsch: Frankreich / Español: Francia / Português: França / Français: France / Italiano: Francia

France is renowned worldwide for its rich and diverse culinary traditions. French cuisine is often considered the epitome of gourmet food, characterized by its meticulous preparation, presentation, and the use of high-quality ingredients. French food culture has significantly influenced global culinary practices and continues to set standards in the culinary arts.

Deutsch: Filipino / Español: Filipino / Português: Filipino / Français: Philippine / Italiano: Filippino

Filipino in the food context refers to the culinary traditions and dishes originating from the Philippines, characterized by its eclectic mix of flavors and influences from Spanish, Chinese, American, and indigenous Austronesian cooking. This cuisine is known for its bold combinations of sweet, sour, and salty flavors.

Deutsch: Plattfisch / Español: Pez plano / Português: Peixe chato / Français: Poisson plat / Italiano: Pesce piatto

Flatfish in the food context refers to a group of fish species characterized by their unique physical structure, with both eyes located on one side of their flattened bodies. This adaptation allows them to live and camouflage themselves on the seafloor. Flatfish are highly prized in culinary circles for their mild flavor and delicate, flaky texture.

Deutsch: Fajitas / Español: Fajitas / Português: Fajitas / Français: Fajitas / Italiano: Fajitas

Fajitas are a popular Mexican-American dish consisting of grilled meat served on a flour or corn tortilla. Originally, the term referred specifically to grilled strips of skirt steak, but it has since broadened to include other types of meat such as chicken, pork, or shrimp, all typically seasoned and cooked with onions and bell peppers.

Deutsch: Fettuccine / Español: Fettuccine / Português: Fettuccine / Français: Fettuccine / Italiano: Fettuccine

Fettuccine is a type of pasta that is popular in Italian cuisine. It is characterized by its long, flat ribbons, which are wider than spaghetti but not as wide as tagliatelle. The name 'fettuccine' means 'little ribbons' in Italian, which describes its appearance.

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