Glossary I

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Inihaw na Saging na Saba which is also called Binange in Quezon Province in the Philippines. It is made from peeled Saba (cooking plantain banana) which are skewered and grilled . They are generally served as morning or afternoon snacks.

- Inihaw na Saba / Inihaw na Saging na Saba:

Inihaw na Saging na Saba (grilled plantain or cooking banana called Saba in the Philippines) refers to a Filipino snack made of Saba, a cooking banana variety, peeled and skewered and cooked over charcoal. It is made of half ripe banana, when the banana is still a bit unripe and still a bit tough and not so yellow and overipe.

It is called in different dialect in the Philippines as Hawob in Davao and Ginanggang/Guinanggang in the Visayas, in Cebu particularly, which means grilled, which is Inihaw in Tagalog.

Inihaw na Saging na Saba is often found in the Tagalog- speaking region of the Philippines, like Laguna and Marinduque. They are sold as street foods.

Some said that this is a boring snack compared to other Filipino banana snack, like Turon at Minatamis na Saging with milk and shaved ice, but I learned to like it, with just enough ripeness and sweetness, I think this is a healthy snack option. Maybe I enjoy eating Inihaw na Saba because it reminds me all the time of my summer vacations in the home province of my mother where my grandfather lived until he died. It was my grandfather who bought the first Inihaw na Saging na Saba which I ever tasted while walking along the beach in Torrijos, Marinduque.

In San Pablo City, Laguna where I kept a home, there are lots of vendors selling "inihaw na saging”. I have not eaten Inihaw na Saba for a long time now, I have not found Saba in Germany, only cooked and packed boiled Saba imported from Vietnam in my favorite Asian store in my city, but there is nothing quite like our Inihaw na Saba. Soon I am home, I hope to be able to find time to travel around my country and enjoy once again its great culture.

Inihaw na Saba/ Inihaw na Saging na Saba
Inihaw na Saba/ Inihaw na Saging na Saba

English: Grilled Catfish / Deutsch: Gegrillter Wels / Español: Bagre a la Parrilla / Português: Bagre Grelhado / Français: Poisson-chat grillé / Italiano: Pesciolino da griglia /

Inihaw na Hito is one of the grilled/broiled foods from the Philippines which makes use of Catfish/Cat Fish called Hito in the country.

Inihaw na Hito is often served with a Sawsawan (dip) made from Calamansi juice (local lemon from Philippines) and Patis (fish sauce ).

Honestly, I have never tasted Hito in my entire adult life because my Mom never bough any fish caught from the rivers or lakes in the Philippines as she found it unsafe to eat due to dirty and polluted rivers and lakes of the Philippines.

Picture below is Inihaw na Hito (Grilled Catfish/Cat Fish) on display in one of the FastFood Chains serving Filipino foods in San Pablo City, Laguna, Philippines

Indian Mango refers to a variety of mango found in the Philippines. Mostly eaten fresh from hand in its raw form. Indian Mango is generally eaten while it is still green with Bagoong Isda or Bagoong Alamang or salt. Mostly taste good when fresly picked from the tree.

English: Ginger Tamarind Pickle / Deutsch: Ingwer Tamarinden Pickles / Español: Encurtido de jengibre y tamarindo / Português: Condimento de gengibre e tamarindo / Français: Pickles de gingembre et tamarin / Italiano: Sottaceto di zenzero e tamarindo /

Inji Puli Achar is a special pickles from Kerala, India made basically from chopped or grated Inji (Ginger) and Tamarind (Puli) or Tamarind Paste cooked with lots of spices like any other Achaar/Achar from Kerala. (Please see related article on Achar/Achaar)

Inji Puli Achar is mostly prepared for big and very important festivities, like Onam and Wedding feast. It was one of the Pickles (Achar) prepared during the wedding of one of my second family member in Allepey, a district in Kerala.

Below is a picture of Inji Puli served during the said wedding. Can be seen clearly are Black Mustard Seeds (Kadugu) which is one of the spices used for making Achar/Achaar.

Deutsch: Blütenstand / Español: Inflorescencia / Português: Inflorescência / Français: Inflorescence / Italian: Infiorescenza

Inflorescence in the food context refers to the arrangement or cluster of flowers on a plant that is often used as an edible part in various cuisines. Certain vegetables that are harvested and consumed in their inflorescent form are popular in many dishes worldwide.