Glossary I
Iftar is the Turkish word which means:
1. the fasting breaking dinner in Ramadan:
2. the food eaten to break Ramadan
3. the breaking of the Ramadan fast; and
4. the evening meal during Ramadan
During the Ramada celebration, particularly after sundown or sunset families eat perhaps their best meal of the year that they have saved for the celebration. This special meal is called the Iftar which is usually huge as the family has been fasting the whole day.
iftari foods eaten to break Ramadan
Icelandic Lobster (Nephrops Norvegicus) is very small, much smaller than the Main lobster and more like a huge shrimp. Icelandic lobster is one of the Iceland's best-loved dishes. It is actually a variety of langoustine. Contrary to the other Lobsters, the main meat of the Icelandic Lobster is in the tail.
Icelandic Lobster is sold all over the world as a delicacy.
Icelandic Lobster which is popularly known as Norway Lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) and also known as Scampi is a close relative to the common lobster, but is considerably smaller and more slender with long narrow claws. Norway Lobsters belong to the category of lean fish. It is particularly rich in iodine, selenium and zinc. It is red - orange in color which does not change by cooking.
They are mainly caught in the waters around Denmark and Sweden. The fishing is normally handled by smaller boats staying at sea for maximum 2-3 days which ensures a fresh product. The lobster lives in self-dug caves on the soft bottom of mud and sand in the Barents Sea at depths from 30 to 800 meters.
Icelandic Lobster has a milder taste than the fresh water and thus suitable for a large variety of serving suggestions and is regarded as a delicacy. Its meat has a finer texture than the normal lobster.
The Icelandic Lobster is a unique phenomenon with a truly delicious , fresh and sweet taste The cold temperature of the Atlantic Ocean is the reason why the Icelandic species are generally much smaller in size compared to the lobster in the southern parts of the world. According to the tradition, Icelanders serve only the tail of the creature, it is said that an average one (1) kilo box usually carries about 20-30 pieces. Nevertheless, the biggest tails can consist of 14-18 in a kilo.