Glossary I

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Impressum', 'Ingredient', 'Inihaw na Saba / Inihaw na Saging na Saba'

English: Fish / Deutsch: Fisch / Español: Pescado / Português: Peixe / Français: Poisson / Italiano: Pesce /

Isda is the Filipino generic word for Fish. Among the Isda/Fishes found in the Philippine markets are:

Dilis (Anchovy); Hito (Catfish); Dalag (Mudfish), Lapu-Lapu (Grouper); Tangigi (Mackerel); Sardinas (Sardines), Tilapia ( Tilapia); Pla-Pla; Tulingan (Tuna); Labahita (Surgeon Fish); Sap Sap (Pony Fish); Maya Maya (Snapper); Pating (Shark); Talakitok (Trevally/Cavalla); Samaral (Rabbitfish); Matang-Baka (Scad Fish/Big-Eyed Scad Fish) and lastly Bangus (Milkfish) which is the national fish of the Philippines.

Ice Cream refers to a frozen dessert containing medium to high milkfat and milk-solids-non-fat, with or without small amounts of egg products, with or without visible particles of flavoring materials. Ice Cream refers to a soft frozen food made with sweetened and flavored milk or cream and butterfat.

Moreover, Ice Cream is a frozen product made from cream, often combined with milk, combined plus flavorings and sweeteners. It has a high percentage of milk fat (butterfat), and the minimum percentages are regulated by law.

To put it simply, Ice Cream refers to the combination of milk, sweeteners and other flavors blended and frozen until semi-solid. Served cold, Ice Cream is one of the world's favorite dessert.

Ice Cream Disher refers to a kitchen tool intended chiefly for use in serving ice cream. Ice Cream Disher is used to scoop or get neat, uniform, individual portions of Ice Cream from a bulk container. It is sometimes known as a "Scoop" or "Ice Cream Scooper" as is the ball-like portion it serves.

There are usually two (2) types of Ice Cream Disher or Scoop in general use: (1) Scoop which has moving parts. This type consists of a metal hemisphere set at the end of a handle. Inside the hemisphere is a thin blade, curved to conform to the bowl. The device is pressed or dragged through the bulk ice cream, gatheriing a ball in the bowl. When a lever set on the handle is pressed, the blade passes over the interior of the hemisphere, cutting or scraping the Ice Cream ball loose; and (2) Scoop with a much simpler appearance and use. It is a deep-bowled spoon set on a sturdy handle. When it is dragged over the ice cream, a ball is formed in the bowl, and, the sides of the bowl not being as high as in the other type of disher, the Ice Cream ball is easily removed from the device.

Indienne is a cooking term that denotes a garnish or accompaniment to which curry powder has been added. The name is derived from the French term for "in the Indian style".

Intus refers to the local Filipino wine produced by the Camayos of Surigao del Sur. They allow sugar cane juice to ferment for five (5) days, then add sugar and finally ginger.

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