We are a team who were born and raised from 2 different sides of the world.. from 2 continents - Asia and Europe. We are a food enthusiasts/foodies, collectors, travelers, culinary researcher; lexicographers and computer/IT specialist, respectively. We are team of a Sociologist, who love to learn the culture of other countries through their cuisine and the meaning of food in their everyday lives and an expert in Computer/Information Technology specialist, which has triggered the project.

The Food Glossary started from long years of collecting recipes, cookbooks, and everything about food and related subjects since I was a teenager, the love for eating, travelling and learning other cultures.

My travels in some countries like Abu Dhabi, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, France, Hong Kong, Thailand, Germany, Spain (Mallorca and Teneriffe), Norway, Netherlands, Philippines, Sweden, Denmark, United States of America (specifically Texas) and India (south of India particularly the states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala) also inspired me to make this research and eventually came up with a glossary and later, a blog

I have always been intested about other people and culture and one way to get to know about other culture is to study about their cuisine, how they cook, how they eat and what kind of dish and meals they prepare. Thru this Glossary, I have realized that we really have a small world, our lives are intertwined, we are one, we are only separated by vast oceans. The food of another country can also be found in other countries in just different form, cooked in different way but still the same. Thru my research, I see that geography plays an important role in the cuisine and the kind of food and drink available each country. Likewise, religion (traditions and beliefs) plays a great role in cooking and cuisine.

This website on Glorious Food is not only the beginning of the union of two (2) cultures- European and Asian cultures, but also as an appreciation to a great lady, my mother, Lidwina and my grandfather who worked as a cook, both of them never studied how to cook, but never get tired of cooking, creating and inventing dishes so we can all survive poverty when we were young. Although her father was a cook of a ship when she was a child, my mommy never studied anything about cooking, and she has very few resources, few materials to make a great dish and prepare a great meal, she cook just by looking and observing and never realized that she can cook great Spanish (Tortang Patatas, Morcon, etc)), Filipino (Adobo, etc.) and Chinese (Pancit Bihon, etc) recipes and some disheas she prepares are very similar to the food of other countries, like Italy and Mexico. My mom has always been a mean cook until now that she is old and already blind. This Glorious Food project, I dedicate to her, she has been my inspiration to become who I am today

Gloria in Alllepey, Kerala, India

My picture above was taken in the side streets of Allepey, Kerala, India where varieties of spices are being sold.

Below, the greatest cook of all time, the best Chef I have ever known, my mommy, to whom I dedicate this glossary. Below, enjoying Chinese, Thai and Japanese foods. She is not only a very good cook, she is also a foodie like everyone of us in the family.

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