Glossary C

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Coconut', 'Curry', 'Cream'

Caprese as a Salad refers to the popular salad from Italy made from three (3) main ingredients: fresh tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and fresh basil leaves with just a drizzle of salt and olive oil.

Caprese is also known as Caprese Salad and Salata Caprese in Italian.

Deutsch: Sahnebrot / Español: Pan de Crema / Português: Pão de Creme / Français: Pain à la Crème / Italiano: Pane alla Crema /

Cream Bread refers to a sponge bread stuffeed/filled with sweetened fresh cream. It is one of the breads which is eaten as snacks. They are available and sold in bakeshops in Allepey (Alappuzha), Kerala, india.

English: Mashed Green Gram / Deutsch: Gemahlener Grünkern / Español: Lentejas Verdes Machacadas / Português: Lentilhas Verdes Amassadas / Français: Lentilles Vertes Écrasées / Italiano: Grammo Verde Schiacciato /

Cherupayaru Olarthiyathu also called Cherupayaru Ulartthiyathu, Cherupayar Olarthiyathu, Cherupayar Olarthiyathu or Cherupayaru Olarthu refers to a dish from Kerala, India made from stir-fried cooked Cherupayaru or Moong/Mung Beans or Whole Green Gram.

Deutsch: Hähnchenbraten, Essen aus Kerala, Indien / Español: Pollo Asado, Comida de Kerala, India / Português: Frango Assado, Comida de Kerala, Índia / Français: Poulet Rôti, Nourriture du Kerala, Inde / Italiano: Arrosto di Pollo, Cibo del Kerala, India /

Chicken Roast is one of the foods from Kerala, India made from pieces of chicken cooked with lots of spices and curry leaves with tomatoes and cooked until almost dry but with a little sauce left.

English: Carrot and Long Beans Stir Fry / Deutsch: Karotten- und Langerbohnenpfanne / Español: Zanahoria y Judía Verde Salteadas / Português: Cenoura e Vagem Salteadas / Français: Carotte et Haricots Longs Sautés / Italiano: Carote e Fagiolini Saltati /

- Food from Kerala, India: Carrot and Achinga Payar (Pacha Payar) Mezhukkupuratti / Carrot and Long Beans Stir Fry :

English: Caipirinha / Deutsch: Caipirinha / Español: Caipirinha / Português: Caipirinha / Français: Caipirinha / Italiano: Caipirinha /

Caipirinha refers to the national and traditional cocktail and most popular drink from Brazil made from the most common and and indigenous spirit called Cachaça (also known as Caninha), lime wedges and sugar , preferably raw sugar or Turbinado sugar.