Glossary C

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Deutsch: Süßigkeiten / Español: Dulce / Português: Doce / Français: Bonbon / Italiano: Caramella

Candy refers to a wide variety of sweet confections made primarily from sugar or other sweeteners. It encompasses a broad range of textures, flavors, and forms, from hard candies to soft gummies, and is enjoyed globally by people of all ages.

Deutsch: Kultivar / Español: Cultivar / Português: Cultivar / Français: Cultivar / Italiano: Cultivar

Cultivar is a term used in agriculture and horticulture to describe a plant variety that has been produced in cultivation by selective breeding. It is derived from the words "cultivated" and "variety." Cultivars are maintained through propagation to ensure consistent characteristics across generations.

Deutsch: Kuba / Español: Cuba / Português: Cuba / Français: Cuba / Italiano: Cuba

Cuba in the food context refers to the rich and diverse culinary traditions of the island nation, which are influenced by Spanish, African, Caribbean, and indigenous Taíno cultures. Cuban cuisine is known for its vibrant flavors, use of fresh ingredients, and a variety of dishes that reflect the island's history and cultural heritage.

Deutsch: Süßwaren / Español: confitería / Português: confeitaria / Français: confiserie / Italiano: pasticceria

Confectionery refers to a broad category of sweet foods and desserts, typically made from sugar and other ingredients such as chocolate, nuts, fruit, and cream. This includes a wide range of products such as candies, chocolates, pastries, cakes, and biscuits. Confectionery is enjoyed worldwide and is often associated with celebrations, holidays, and special occasions.

Deutsch: Konfekt / Español: Confección / Português: Confeitaria / Français: Confiserie / Italiano: Confettura

Confection in the food context refers to sweet foods and candies that are often made with sugar or other sweeteners. These can include chocolates, candies, pastries, and other sweet treats that are typically enjoyed as desserts or snacks.

Deutsch: Kaffee / Español: Café / Português: Café / Français: Café / Italiano: Caffè

Coffee is a brewed beverage made from roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds of berries from the Coffea plant. It is one of the most popular drinks in the world and plays a significant role in many cultures, both as a daily routine and a social activity. Coffee is known for its stimulating effect, primarily due to its caffeine content.

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