Glossary C
Deutsch: Maisstärke / Español: Almidón de maíz / Português: Amido de milho / Français: Amidon de maïs / Italiano: Amido di mais
Cornstarch is a fine, powdery starch that is extracted from the endosperm of corn kernels. It is commonly used as a thickening agent in cooking and baking, as well as a staple in many gluten-free recipes.
Deutsch: Käsekuchen / Español: Tarta de queso / Português: Cheesecake / Français: Gâteau au fromage / Italiano: Cheesecake
Cheesecake is a popular dessert consisting of one or more layers. The main, and thickest layer, comprises a mixture of soft, fresh cheese (typically cream cheese or ricotta), eggs, and sugar. If there is a bottom layer, it often consists of a crust or base made from crushed cookies (like graham crackers), graham crumbs, pastry, or sometimes sponge cake.
Deutsch: Wels / Español: Bagre / Português: Bagre / Français: Poisson-chat / Italiano: Pesce gatto
Catfish refers to a diverse group of ray-finned fish known for their prominent barbels, which resemble a cat's whiskers. Catfish are a popular choice for culinary uses worldwide due to their mild flavor and firm texture. They are commonly found in freshwater environments, though some species inhabit coastal areas and brackish waters.
Deutsch: Cherimoya / Español: Chirimoya / Português: Chirimóia / Français: Chérimole / Italiano: Cherimolia
Cherimoya is a tropical fruit known for its delicate, creamy texture and a flavor that combines the tastes of banana, pineapple, papaya, peach, and strawberry. This exotic fruit, scientifically known as Annona cherimola, is native to the Andes mountain range in South America but is now grown in other tropical regions around the world.
Deutsch: Sellerie / Español: Apio nabo / Português: Aipo-rábano / Français: Céleri-rave / Italiano: Sedano rapa
Celeriac, also known as celery root, is a type of root vegetable that is part of the celery family but is primarily grown for its edible, bulbous root. It has a knobby, rough exterior with a creamy white interior and offers a flavor that is similar to celery stalks but nuttier and with deeper earthy tones.
Deutsch: Cannelloni / Español: Cannelloni / Português: Cannelloni / Français: Cannelloni / Italiano: Cannelloni
Cannelloni are large pasta tubes that are typically filled with a variety of ingredients, such as ricotta cheese, spinach, ground meat, or a combination of these, and then baked covered in sauce. Originating from Italy, cannelloni is a popular dish in Italian cuisine, known for its rich flavors and comforting qualities.