Glossary C

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Coconut', 'Curry', 'Cream'

Deutsch: Kaffee / Español: Café / Português: Café / Français: Café / Italiano: Caffè

Coffee is a brewed beverage made from roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds of berries from the Coffea plant. It is one of the most popular drinks in the world and plays a significant role in many cultures, both as a daily routine and a social activity. Coffee is known for its stimulating effect, primarily due to its caffeine content.

Deutsch: Paprika / Español: Pimiento / Português: Pimentão / Français: Poivron / Italiano: Peperone

Capsicum refers to a genus of flowering plants in the nightshade family Solanaceae, known for producing fruits that are commonly called bell peppers or sweet peppers in culinary contexts. The fruit can be eaten raw or cooked and is used globally in various cuisines for its mild flavor and vibrant colors.

Deutsch: Chinesisch / Español: Chino / Português: Chinês / Français: Chinois / Italiano: Cinese

Chinese in the food context refers to the culinary traditions and dishes that originate from China, characterized by their rich diversity, intricate preparation methods, and balanced flavors. Chinese cuisine is one of the world's most varied and influential cuisines, with numerous styles derived from the different regions of China, such as Cantonese, Sichuan, Hunan, and Beijing.

Deutsch: Maisstärke / Español: Almidón de maíz / Português: Amido de milho / Français: Amidon de maïs / Italiano: Amido di mais

Cornstarch is a fine, powdery starch that is extracted from the endosperm of corn kernels. It is commonly used as a thickening agent in cooking and baking, as well as a staple in many gluten-free recipes.

Deutsch: Käsekuchen / Español: Tarta de queso / Português: Cheesecake / Français: Gâteau au fromage / Italiano: Cheesecake

Cheesecake is a popular dessert consisting of one or more layers. The main, and thickest layer, comprises a mixture of soft, fresh cheese (typically cream cheese or ricotta), eggs, and sugar. If there is a bottom layer, it often consists of a crust or base made from crushed cookies (like graham crackers), graham crumbs, pastry, or sometimes sponge cake.

Deutsch: Wels / Español: Bagre / Português: Bagre / Français: Poisson-chat / Italiano: Pesce gatto

Catfish refers to a diverse group of ray-finned fish known for their prominent barbels, which resemble a cat's whiskers. Catfish are a popular choice for culinary uses worldwide due to their mild flavor and firm texture. They are commonly found in freshwater environments, though some species inhabit coastal areas and brackish waters.

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