Glossary S

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Sitaw', 'Salt', 'Sweet'

Suppengrün is a German term which refers to a bunch of herbs and vegetables which is used as the basic ingredients for making or cooking soups and sometimes stews (Eintopf) in Germany. Suppengrün is mostly composed of bunch of Knollensellerie (Celery root), Mohren (Carrots) and Lauch/Porree (Leeks), but sometimes stalks of Petersilie (Parsley) are also added.

Semiya Payasam refers to a traditional Kerala dessert. Semiya Payasam which is also called Vermicelli Payasam is a milk-based pudding prepared with fine noodles (Vermicelli) cooked in ghee and milk. It is then flavored with cardamom, pistachio, raisins and cashew nuts and sometimes raisins are added.

Sarciadong Hiwas refers to one of the dishes from the Philippines made from Pritong Hiwas (Fried Moonfish) cooked in sauteed crushed garlic, chopped onions and tomatoes or tomato sauce. When cooked, Binating Itlog (scrambled or beaten eggs) is often added towards the end of cooking.

Sarciado also spelled as Sarsiado means cooked with a thick sauce.

Sarciadong Hiwas - Filipino Food
Sarciadong Hiwas - Filipino Food

Any kind of fried fish can be made into Sarciado and 2 of my favorite fishes made into Sarciado are Galunggong (Mackarel Scad) and Hiwas (Moonfish)

In Europe, because I find it hard to find fresh fish, I use frozen filleted fish like Cod and Pangasius to make a Sarciado and I think it is still enjoyed by everyone I cook for

Sawmill Gravy refers to the traditional gravy from the Southern part of the United States which is often served with biscuits, sausages, meat patties and eggs. It is made from milk or cream, meat drippings and flour and salt and pepper to taste.

Sawmill Gravy is also known as Cream Gravy.

During my roadtrip in 2016 in the USA. This Sawmill Gravy became a part of my breakfast meal with those delicious and interesting Biscuits. I did not encounter any motel or hotel where we stopped for breakfast seeing Biscuits without the Sawmill Gravy on the side.

Here below on the lower right side of my plate was a Biscuit covered with Sawmill Gravy. It is one my interesting breakfasts in a traditional diner when we were already nearby Forthworth, Texas.

Sampinit a red fruit being sold in San Pablo City, Laguna market in March so probably they are available during summer months, the seller said it is called "Raspberries" in English.

Sampinit is also called Sapinit and Tungaw-Tungaw. It is a Wild Raspberry (Rubus rosifolius Linn.) which said to grow in the wild and bushes. The fruits can be harvested when ripe and eaten fresh. In San Pablo City Market, the fresh fruits are sold with a small pack of salt or with salt. The fruits can also be processed or made into jams, wine and juice. The fruit has a tangy strawberry taste

Sampinit fruit is said to be good source of phythochemicals that helps fight the growth of cancer cells and development of Alzheimer's.

This exotic fruit is too rare. I have visited a lot of Wet markets (Palengke) around the Philippines and I only saw them sold in San Pablo City Market in Laguna. Unfortunately, I do not dare to taste fruits which is too foreign to me, especially when the weather is too hot.

Raspberries is also called in Filipino as Prambuwesas.

English: String beans / Deutsch: Fisolen / Español: Judía verde / Português: Feijão-verde / Français: Haricot vert / Italiano: Fagiolini /

Sitaw is a Filipino word for String Beans. It is also sometimes also called Long Beans. Sitaw is one of the kinds/varieties of Vegetables (Gulay) in the Philippines. They are available all year-round in wet markets we call in the Philippines Palengke an even in supermarkets all over the Philippines. It is one of the versatile vegetables in the Country which can be cooked/prepared in many ways like the simple Ginisang Sitaw (Sauteed String Beans) , by sauteeing the broken/small strings with little amount of meat with chopped tomatoes, garlic and onions or even meatless. It can also be made into Adobo, cooked in vinegar, soy Sauce and minced garlic (Adobong Sitaw) and it is one of the ingredients for making Dinengdeng and any variety of Sinigang.

The Sitaw's long strings are broken or cut into smaller lengths about 3 to 4 inches before cooking. Some also cut them into much smaller pieces.

Sitaw is found in the markets always in a bunch or bunches, just like the picture below

Adobong Sitaw is my all time favorite from my mom's ktchen table when we all still live together in the Philippines. With or without any meat, just the Sitaw pieces cooked in vinegar, soysauce and garlic eaten with rice made me drool

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