Glossary S

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Deutsch: Spanien / Español: España / Português: Espanha / Français: Espagne / Italiano: Spagna

Spain is renowned for its vibrant and diverse culinary traditions, deeply influenced by its history, geography, and cultural interactions. Spanish cuisine is characterized by its use of fresh, high-quality ingredients, bold flavors, and regional diversity. It is celebrated for its simplicity, emphasis on seasonal produce, and communal dining experiences.

Deutsch: Spanisch / Español: Español / Português: Espanhol / Français: Espagnol / Italiano: Spagnolo

Spanish in the food context refers to the culinary traditions and dishes originating from Spain, characterized by a diverse palette of flavors and ingredients that reflect the country’s regional diversity. Spanish cuisine is known for its use of fresh produce, meats, and seafood, creating a variety of dishes that are both colorful and flavorful.

Deutsch: Shiitake-Pilz / Español: Hongo Shiitake / Português: Cogumelo Shiitake / Français: Champignon Shiitake / Italiano: Fungo Shiitake

Shiitake in the food context refers to an edible mushroom that is native to East Asia but is now cultivated worldwide due to its popularity. Known for its rich, savory taste and meaty texture, shiitake mushrooms are a staple in many Asian cuisines and have gained significant popularity in Western cooking.

Deutsch: Salami / Español: Salami / Português: Salame / Français: Salami / Italiano: Salame

Salami is a type of cured sausage consisting of fermented and air-dried meat, typically pork. Historically originating from Europe, particularly Italy, salami is celebrated for its rich, savory flavor and is commonly seasoned with garlic, salt, various herbs, spices, and sometimes wine.

Deutsch: Meeresalgen / Español: Alga marina / Português: Alga marinha / Français: Algues marines / Italiano: Alga marina

Seaweed refers to various species of marine algae that are edible and used widely in cooking, particularly in Asian cuisines such as Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. Seaweed is celebrated not only for its unique umami flavors but also for its nutritional benefits, including being a rich source of iodine, vitamins, and minerals.

Deutsch: Safran / Español: Azafrán / Português: Açafrão / Français: Safran / Italiano: Zafferano

Saffron is a highly prized spice derived from the dried stigmas of the crocus flower, specifically Crocus sativus. It is renowned for its distinctive golden-yellow hue, subtle flavor, and aroma. Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world due to its labor-intensive harvesting process, where each flower provides only three stigmas that must be handpicked.

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