Glossary S
Deutsch: Sorbet / Español: Sorbete / Português: Sorvete / Français: Sorbet / Italiano: Sorbetto
Sorbete in the food context refers to a traditional type of Filipino ice cream, distinctively known for being sold by street vendors using colourful, wooden pushcarts. Often called "dirty ice cream" colloquially, it is not actually dirty but is so named to distinguish it from commercially produced ice cream. Sorbete is made with milk (either carabao’s milk, coconut milk, or evaporated milk), sugar, and a variety of local flavours, served in cones, cups, or bread rolls.
Deutsch: Schwein / Español: Cerdo / Português: Suíno / Français: Porc / Italiano: Suino
Swine in the food context refers to domesticated pigs that are raised for their meat, which is commonly known as pork. Swine is a term that includes both wild and domesticated pigs but in the context of food, it typically refers to farm-raised pigs used for producing a wide variety of pork products. These products are central to cuisines around the world and range from fresh cuts like pork chops to processed items such as bacon, ham, sausages, and charcuterie.
Deutsch: Pfannenrühren / Español: Salteado / Português: Salteamento / Français: Sauté / Italiano: Saltare in padella
Stir-frying in the food context refers to a cooking technique that involves quickly frying small, uniform pieces of food in a small amount of hot oil while stirring constantly. This method is most commonly associated with Asian cuisine, particularly Chinese, but it has been adopted worldwide for its efficiency and ability to preserve the texture and nutrients of ingredients.
Deutsch: Snacken / Español: Merienda / Português: Lanche / Français: Grignotage / Italiano: Spuntino
Snacking in the food context refers to the practice of consuming small amounts of food or drink between main meals. It can include a wide range of foods, from healthy options like fruits and nuts to less nutritious choices such as chips and candy. Snacking is often motivated by hunger, convenience, or a desire for a quick energy boost.
Deutsch: Salzig / Español: Salado / Português: Salgado / Français: Salé / Italiano: Salato
Salty in the food context refers to a taste sensation primarily driven by the presence of sodium chloride (table salt) in food. It is one of the five basic tastes, alongside sweet, sour, bitter, and umami, and plays a crucial role in enhancing and balancing the overall flavour profile of a dish.
Deutsch: Köcheln / Español: Hervir a fuego lento / Português: Fervura branda / Français: Mijoter / Italiano: Sobbollire
Simmering in the food context refers to a cooking technique where food is cooked in liquid at a temperature just below the boiling point, typically between 85°C and 95°C (185°F to 203°F). It involves gentle bubbling and is often used to develop flavours, tenderise food, and cook ingredients evenly without the harshness of full boiling.