Glossary F

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Food', 'Flavor', 'Fruit'

In the food context, flounder refers to a group of flatfish species that are popular in various cuisines around the world due to their mild flavor and delicate texture. Flounder are bottom-dwelling fish found in marine environments, particularly in temperate and northern waters.

Deutsch: Aromatisierung / Español: Saborizante / Português: Aromatizante / Français: Aromatisation / Italiano: Aromatizzazione

Flavoring refers to substances added to food to enhance its taste or smell. These substances can be derived from natural sources, synthesized artificially, or a combination of both. Flavorings play a critical role in the development of sensory profiles that make food products enjoyable and distinctive.

Deutsch: Braten / Español: Freír / Português: Fritar / Français: Faire frire / Italiano: Friggere

Frying is a cooking process wherein food is submerged in hot fat, most commonly oil, heated to temperatures typically between 175°C (350°F) and 190°C (375°F). This method achieves a unique combination of crispy exterior and tender interior by dehydrating the food's surface and sometimes triggering chemical reactions like the Maillard reaction, which enhances flavor.


Frying is one of the quickest and most popular methods of cooking food, noted for the delightful texture and flavor it imparts. This cooking technique involves the transfer of heat to a food item through a hot liquid with a high fat content, such as oil or butter. The high temperatures involved can cook the food quickly, making it a prevalent choice in fast-food preparations and home cooking.

The science behind frying is based on the principles of heat transfer via a liquid medium and the chemical reactions that occur at high temperatures. For example, the Maillard reaction adds complexity and a desirable taste to fried foods. Frying can be categorized mainly into deep frying and shallow frying, where the depth of oil used can vary significantly.

The history of frying is deep-rooted in ancient cuisines, including Egyptian and Roman meals, where various techniques of frying were already in use. In modern times, it has evolved with the advent of cooking appliances such as deep fryers that regulate oil temperature more safely and efficiently.

Application Areas

In culinary practices, frying is versatile, used in various dishes worldwide:

Well-Known Examples

Internationally, many cultures have dishes centered around frying:

  • American Fast Food: Iconic for fried items like hamburgers and fried chicken.
  • Asian Cuisine: Known for stir-fries that use high heat for a quick and nutritious meal.
  • European Treats: Such as Spanish churros and British fish-and-chips.

Treatment and Risks

While delicious, frequent consumption of fried foods can have health implications, including an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity. This is due to the high caloric content of fried foods as well as unhealthy fats that can arise from using oil at high temperatures repeatedly.


Here are a few examples of how frying can be used in recipes:

  • Basic Fried Chicken:
    • Ingredients: Chicken pieces, flour, spices (salt, pepper, paprika), eggs, milk, and oil for frying.
    • Method: Coat chicken in flour and spices, dip in beaten eggs mixed with milk, coat again in flour, and fry in hot oil until golden and cooked through.
  • Simple French Fries:
    • Ingredients: Potatoes, oil, and salt.
    • Method: Slice potatoes, rinse in water, dry, fry in oil until golden, drain, and season with salt.

Similar Terms

  • Sautéing
  • Pan frying
  • Stir frying
  • Deep frying
  • Roasting


Frying is a culinary technique that involves cooking food by submerging it in hot fat. It is widely used across various cuisines due to its ability to quickly cook food while enhancing flavor and texture. Despite its popularity, it is important to be mindful of the potential health risks associated with regularly eating fried foods.


Deutsch: Bauernhof / Español: Granja / Português: Fazenda / Français: Ferme / Italiano: Fattoria

Farm in the food context refers to a plot of land devoted to the production and management of food products, including crops and livestock. Farms are the cornerstone of agriculture, the practice of cultivating the soil, growing crops, and raising animals to provide food, fiber, medicinal plants, and other products to sustain and enhance life.

Deutsch: Eis mit Fruchtgeschmack / Español: Gelato con sabor a fruta / Português: Gelato com sabor de fruta / Français: Gelato aux fruits / Italiano: Gelato al gusto di frutta

Fruit-Flavored Gelato in the food context refers to a type of Italian ice cream known as gelato, characterized by its dense texture, rich flavor, and lower fat content compared to traditional ice cream. Fruit-flavored gelato is made with a base of milk (and sometimes cream), sugar, and natural flavorings from fresh fruits, fruit juices, or fruit purees. The result is a refreshing, smooth, and intensely flavored frozen dessert that highlights the natural sweetness and tartness of the fruit used in its creation.

Deutsch: Obstsalat / Español: Ensalada de frutas / Português: Salada de frutas / Français: Salade de fruits / Italiano: Macedonia

Fruit Salad in the food context refers to a dish consisting of various types of fruit, sometimes mixed with a liquid (juice, syrup, liqueur) or sweet dressing to enhance flavor. It's a versatile dish that can be served as a dessert, a side dish, or a light meal. The ingredients in a fruit salad can vary widely depending on seasonality, regional preferences, and personal tastes, incorporating everything from common fruits like apples, bananas, and oranges, to more exotic options like mangoes, kiwis, and dragon fruit.

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