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Feldsalat ■■■■
Feldsalat is a German word for Lamb's lettuce, an annual plant with small obovate leaves (Valerianella . . . Read More
Suppengrün ■■■■
Suppengrün is a German term which refers to a bunch of herbs and vegetables which is used as the basic . . . Read More
Linsensuppe ■■■■
Linsensuppe refers to lentils soup, a popular soup in Germany made of lentils made of vegetables like . . . Read More
Dampfnudel ■■■■
Dampfnudel refers to a German sweet which is a fluffy warm yeast dough with vanilla sauceOther definition: . . . Read More
Bayerische Creme ■■■■
Bayerische Creme is a German term which means Bavarian vanilla creme. Bayerische Creme also known as . . . Read More
Blechkuchen ■■■■
Blechkuchen is the German word for sheet cake or a cake baked in cake tray/baking sheet. It is when the . . . Read More
Schichtkäse ■■■■
Schichtkäse refers to curd Cheese made from cow's milk (cream Cheese and cottage Cheese combined). It . . . Read More
Mandarin Torte ■■■■
Mandarin TorteGerman cakeMandarin Torte is one of the many cakes in Germany sold in most bakeshops all . . . Read More
Almdudler ■■■■
Almdudler refers to a sweet beverage/sofdrinks from Austria. It is the brandname of an Austrian sweetened . . . Read More
Plum ■■■
Plum refers to a round, juicy stone fruit. Several varieties include: GreengageMirabelleBullaceJapaneseVictoria. . . . Read More