Bubble and Squeak in Australia, it refers to a dish made by frying leftover meat and vegetables (typically mashed potatoes) together.
Other definition:
Bubble and Squeak refers to one of the typical English dishes made from cold vegetables that have been left over from a previous meal, often the Sunday roast. The chief ingredients are potato and cabbage, but carrots, peas, brussels sprouts, and other vegetables can be added.vegetables.

The cold chopped vegetables and/or cold chopped meat are fried in a pan together with mashed potato until the mixture is well-cooked and brown on the sides. The name is a description of the action and sound made during the cooking process.

In the 18th century this was a dish of fried meat and cabbage. Nowadays it is more often fried potatoes and other vegetables, but nowaday it is available in packaged, microwaveable form.

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