Laksoy which is also called Lambanog is a Filipino local wine which is a distillate of Tuba. The nipa sap/juice is distilled three (3) days after it is gathered.
There are two (2) kinds of Laksoy: (1) Palanggad and (2) Komersiyal: Palanggad is purer as it is twice distilled prime product. Sometimes, the first bottle is so strong so it can be used as a rubbing alcohol. Komersiyal is roughly half as strong as Palanggad, and no water is added.

Distillation of nipa or coconut sap takes place in some provinces of the Philippines, like Laguna, Quezon, Batangas, Samar,Surigao, Agusan and Davao.

Laksoy is also known as Lambanog, particulary in the provinces south of Manila (Laguna, Batangas and Quezon)

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