Saltimbocca refers to an Italian dish traditionally prepared with veal and prosciutto rolled together and cooked with sage and and marsala wine. The most widely known Roman recipe is to pound veal steaks or escalopes with a mallet to make them as thin and tender as possible. Then, cut the meat into strips, layer a sage leaf and a slice of Parma ham or other prosciutto on each one, and roll it into a tube shape fixed with a cocktail stick.The meat parcels are browned in butter, before adding a glass of Marsala, covering, and cooking gently for 10-15 minutes until the meat is cooked through.
With the mixture of the tenderness of the veal and the stronger taste of the Marsala, ham and sage, the resulting dish becomes rich and flavoursome.
In Italian, saltimbocca literally means "it jumps in the mouth" since this dish leaps into the mouth because it is so good.
Saltimbocca is one of the most classic Roman dishes.

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