A veloute sauce is a variation of bechamel, or white sauce, except instead of milk, the liquid added to the roux is chicken stock or another light stock like veal or fish.

Veloute sauces are made by the same method but use stock or a tasty poaching liquid (such as that from cooking smoked haddock) in place of the infused milk, and are often finished with a little cream for richness.

Veloute sauce is also called sauce blanche grasse or fat white sauce, rich white sauce. It is one of the five "mother sauces." It is a stock-based white sauce that can be made from chicken, veal, or fish stock thickened with white roux.

Veloute is a French word pronounced "veh-loo-tay"

Examples: The veloute sauce was made using the stock from poaching the chicken breasts.

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