Horse Gram refers to a small pulse (legume) that is most commonly grown as a crop in India where it is called Gahat or Kulath. It is not only used as a human food, but also used for animal food. Horse Gram is described as small, thin and oval-shaped, may be light to dark colored in shades of red, brown and black. It has a slight strong, earthy flavor when cooked. It can be eaten as a whole bean, as a sprout, or as whole meal and can be served as a side dish or as a main dish with other ingredients. In some regions, the Horse gram is boiled and then crushed with salt after which it is allowed to ferment in order to produce a sauce that is used like a soy sauce. In India, particularly in Uttaranchal Region, it is used extensively for making various dishes, such as Gahat Chappati, Phaanu, Gahat Ki Dal, Gahat Soup, Rus, Gahat Rasmi Badi (Kofta), etc. Horse Gram which is similar to the Moth Bean are both called as the "poor man's food".

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