Khachapuri refers to Georgia'swarm, gooey cheese-stuffed bread. It is the traditional cheese-bread of Georgia. In addition to the standard round pie with cheese stuffing or filling, there are other varieties of Khachapuri, including Adjarian Khachapuri which is topped with egg, the Lobiani (bean-stuffed), the four-fold filo dough pocket, and tarragon, mushroom and rice-stuffed pies and with leek stuffing in Svaneti, a province in the northwestern part of Georgia. Khachapuri is mostly served freshly made at breakfast, but is also a common sight at lunch and dinner tables. Likewise, Khachapuri stands are found on almost every street corner of the country, but the best Khachapuri are those cooked and prepared at Georgian homes. It is said that Khachapuri is very addictive. Georgia is a small country in the Caucasus, surrounded on the north by Russia, on the east by Azerbaijan, on the south by Armenia and Turkey, and on the west by the Black Sea.

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