Paridusdos is the Ilocano version of Ginatan (sweet Ginatan Halo-Halo) which is made from the basic ingredients, such as coconut milk, milled sticky/glutinous rice balls, Sago (tapioca balls) and other fruits and root crops such as Saba (Banana plantain), Kamotig (Kamote/sweet potato), and Tugi (a kind of yam). Langka (Jackfruit), Peanut, and sweet Corn are also some popular ingredients in other provinces.

Paridusdos is generally served as snack while steaming hot.

Personal Note: My father is a GI , genuine Ilokano so I can remember many of the Ilokano foods during my research of the foods he might have eaten when he was alive and growing up in Ilocos Sur where he was born. But Paridusdos is one of the foods I can not remember and I am happy to known that there is an Ilocano version of Ginatan which is popular in the Tagalog region where I was born and grew up.

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