Brathering refers to a traditional dish from Germany made from fresh Herring (green Herring) which are cleaned (with head and guts removed), filleted , dusted with flour or floured and fried and then pickled in vinegar marinade.

Brathering literally means "fried Herring". But a Herring can only be called "Brathering" when the Herring is fried then marinated in vinegar

Brathering is served cold usually with Bratkartoffel (cooked and fried potatoes with slices of onions), or with newly baked Brötchen, a German bread or buttered toast and green vegetable salad.

Below is a picture of Brathering (on the right side) which is served in a Restaurant in Bremen (Goedeken in Berckstrasse) serving traditional foods from North Germany. This Restaurant also serves another traditional food called Labkaus.

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