Kemiri Nut / Kemiri (Aeurites triloba) is also called candlenut and is characterized as an oily nut with the size and shape of an acorn and, when ground to a paste, is a principal thickening agent in Indonesian sauces. Kemiri is also considered to have a stabilizing action when combined with coconut milk. Kemiri is often used in Indonesian and Malaysian cuisine, In Malaysia, it is known as Buah Keras. On the island of Java in Indonesia, Kemiri is used to make a thick sauce that is eaten with vegetables and rice. Outside of Southeast Asia, macadamia nuts are sometimes substituted for candlenuts when they are not available, as they have a similarly high oil content and texture when pounded. The flavor, however, is quite different, as the Kemiri is much more bitter and is mildly toxic when raw. Several parts of the Kemiri plant have been used in traditional medicine in most of the areas where it is native. The oil is an irritant and laxative and sometimes used like castor oil. It is also used as a hair stimulant or additive to hair treatment systems. The seed kernels have a laxative effect. The bark of the Kemiri tree has been used on tumors in Japan. In Sumatra, pounded seeds, burned with charcoal, are applied around the navel for costiveness. In Malaya, the pulped kernels or boiled leaves are used in poultices for headache, fevers, ulcers, swollen joints, and gonorrhea. In Java, the bark is used for bloody diarrhea or dysentery.

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