Kadhai refers to a traditional Indian iron wok; a round bottomed pan. Kadhai is much deeper and narrower than Chinese wok. It is used mainly for frying and cooking. In authentic kadhai style cooking, the ingredients are cooked together in a thick, tomato-based sauce and seasoned with a savory garlic-ginger mixture. Almost all of the curries can be made in a well seasoned kadhai. A good size is about 13 inches wide and 3 inches deep. In the absence of Kadhai, a thick aluminum non stick wok can be used as alternative. This will ensure the reduction in the amount of oil or fat during cooking. Kadhai cooking is quick and no water is used in this style of cooking, only from the natural juices released by the tomatoes and meat in the dish, which is constantly stirred until cooked. Usually the Kadhai, in which the food is cooked, is placed directly on the table, where everyone eats out of it. Kadhai cooking is quick and no water is used in this style of cooking. The main ingredients cook in the natural juices released by the tomatoes and meat in the dish, which is constantly stirred until cooked.

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