English: Sweet Potato Tops / Deutsch: Süßkartoffel-Blätter / Español: Hojas de Camote / Português: Folhas de Batata-Doce / Français: Feuilles de Patate Douce / Italiano: Foglie di Patata Dolce /

Talbos ng Kamote is a Filipino word that means leaves of sweet potato. Talbos ng Kamote also means young leaves/shoots or the edible tips of the sweet potato plant.

Talbos is literally translated to edible tips and young leaves or shoots.

Talbos or Dahon ng Kamote is used in the Philippines for preparing vegetable dishes (Talbos ng Kamote Salad) and soups (Sinigang). Nowadays, the leaves are boiled/blanched and the juice is squeezed to make a very nutritious and healthy juice.

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