Quarter in culinary term means (1) to divide into 4 equal parts (2) one fourth, as in one fourth cup of water; and (3) period of three months, as in a food should be eaten after a period of 3 months.


A quarter in the food context typically refers to a serving size of a food item that is equivalent to one fourth of the whole portion. It is often used in the context of proteins, such as chicken or beef, where a quarter represents a specific amount of meat. Quarter portions are commonly used in recipes to ensure accurate measurements and cooking times. The concept of a quarter can also be applied to other food items, such as fruits or vegetables, where a quarter may refer to the size of a piece or the recommended serving size. Understanding the concept of a quarter in the food context is essential for following recipes accurately and maintaining a balanced diet.

Application Areas

  • Cooking and baking
  • Meal preparation
  • Diet planning

Treatment and Risks

  • There are typically no specific treatments or risks associated with consuming a quarter portion of a food item.
  • However, it is important to be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating or under-eating.


  • Grilled chicken quarter
  • Quarter pounder burger
  • Quarter of a watermelon

Similar Concepts and Synonyms

  • Fourth
  • One fourth
  • Quarter portion


A quarter in the food context refers to a specific portion size that is equivalent to one fourth of the whole item. It is commonly used in recipes, meal preparation, and diet planning to ensure accurate measurements and balanced servings. Understanding the concept of a quarter is essential for maintaining portion control and following recipes accurately.


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