Drippings are the juices, marinade, melted fat, and browned particles that are in the bottom of a pan or skillet after cooking meats.

They form the base of many sauces.

Drippings are also juices and fat remaining in a pan after meat has been cooked. The drippings are often used as a base for sauce or gravy.

Drippings which is also known as brown bits is pronounced "dripp ings"


Drippings refer to the fats and juices that are released from meat during the cooking process. These flavorful liquids accumulate in the bottom of a roasting pan or skillet as meat cooks, adding richness and depth to dishes. Drippings are often used to make gravies, sauces, and stocks, enhancing the overall flavor of a dish. They can vary in color and consistency depending on the type of meat being cooked, with darker drippings typically coming from beef or pork, while lighter drippings are common with poultry. Properly collecting and utilizing drippings can take a dish from good to great, adding a delicious finishing touch.

Application Areas

  • Sauces
  • Gravies
  • Stocks
  • Marinades
  • Glazes

Treatment and Risks

  • Excess consumption of drippings can lead to high cholesterol levels and cardiovascular issues
  • Properly skimming off excess fat from drippings can help reduce health risks
  • Heating drippings to a safe temperature before use is essential to avoid foodborne illnesses


  • Roast beef drippings for a flavorful gravy
  • Chicken drippings for a rich stock
  • Pork drippings for a savory marinade

Similar Concepts and Synonyms

  • Pan juices
  • Rendered fat
  • Cooking liquid


Drippings are the flavorful fats and juices released from meat during cooking, often used to enhance the taste of dishes through sauces, gravies, and stocks. Proper utilization of drippings can elevate a dish's flavor profile, but precautions should be taken to avoid health risks associated with excess consumption or improper handling. Collecting and incorporating drippings into dishes can add a delicious finishing touch that transforms an ordinary meal into a culinary delight.


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