Glossary F

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Food', 'French', 'Fish'
- Food Festival : Safza Sar : Safza Sar literall means "green head", refers to the crop sprouting festival in Shimsal

- Food Festival : Shegd-tar-charaman : Shegd-tar-charaman refers to a festival in Shimsal celebrating the moment when the new crop is taken to the threshing place

- Food Festival : Tarkhun yundak : Tarkhun yundak is an invitation to a banquet in Shimsal.

- Food Festival : Vichhosh : Vichhosh refers to Shimsal's outdoor soup festival. It is also known as Hoshigarm

- Food Festival : Hoshigarm : Hoshigarm refers to Shimsal's outdoor soup festival. It is also known as Vichhosh

Fisch und Meeresfrüchte German term which means "fish and seafood".