Glossary F

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Food', 'Flavor', 'Fruit'
Farinaceo is the Italian term which means "starchy", foods consisting of or containing starch or high in starch. Foods high in starch include: (1) starchy vegetables like peas, corn,

Focaccia a brazzudl is a typical food from Basilicata of flatbread with pork crackling, lard and oregano.

focaccia a brazzaud

Description: A risen bread or focaccia from

Farina di riso is the Italian term for "rice flour". Itis also known as rice powder which is obtained by finely grinding raw rice. It is used to make sweets or flat breads, like roti

Fagottini alle acciughe literally means "anchovy parcels", referring to anchovies wrapped in pastry or rolled in thin pancakes and served as bite-size morsels as antipasti

Frittelle alle acciughe is the Italian term for "anchovy fritters ", fritters made from anchovies. It can be anchovies bound with egg and breadcrumbs, rolled and made into small, bite-

Frittelle di banana is the Italian term for "banana fritters ", usually served as snacks

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