Kumquat refers to a very small citrus fruit with the unique quality of having a sweet skin and bitter flesh. Also, it is a fruit which resembles a miniature orange. It is sometimes mistaken for a citrus fruit, but actually belongs to the genus Fortunella. The kumquat, also spelled cumquat, has a thin, sweet skin with a tart, sour flesh.
The kumquat can be eaten whole, though some find its juicy center to be too sour.These are used in pastry making, preserves, and chutneys. It is also often candied or used to make preserves and jelly. In China, kumquats are sometimes preserved whole in sugar syrup and sold in restaurants as desserts, or preserved in salt and served with the brine mixed with hot water to treat sore throats. A kumquat liqueur can be made be soaking the fruit in a clear spirit. Kumquats are also added to salads, as well as used to make marmalades and sauces.


Selection Information

Usage: In fruit salads, gelatins, fruit drinks & desserts.

Selection: Texture of the kumquat is juicy, the flavor is tart then sweet and the fruit contains tiny white seeds, but the entire fruit is edible. Good-quality kumquats will be firm, bright orange and fairly large.

Avoid: Avoid product that is too small, overly soft or wrinkled.

Seasonal Information

available December to May from Southern California and Florida.

Kumquat Nutritional Information

12 calories per fruit.

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