English: Fermented shrimp paste / Deutsch: Fermentierte Garnelenpaste / Español: Pasta de camarones fermentada / Português: Pasta de camarão fermentada / Français: Pâte de crevettes fermentée / Italiano: Pasta di gamberi fermentata /

Bagoong Sisi (Sisi Bagoong) refers to fermented small oysters and clams which comes from the Visayas Region of the Philippines.

It, is a fermented seafood condiment that originated from the Visayas region of the Philippines. It is made by fermenting small oysters and clams with salt, resulting in a salty, savory, and umami-rich sauce. Here are some examples of how Bagoong Sisi is used in Filipino cuisine:

  1. Flavoring sauce: Bagoong Sisi is often used as a flavoring sauce for a variety of Filipino dishes, such as "sinigang" (a sour soup), "kare-kare" (a peanut-based stew), and "pinakbet" (a vegetable dish).

  2. Dipping sauce: Bagoong Sisi can also be used as a dipping sauce for grilled or fried seafood, such as grilled squid or fried fish.

  3. Condiment: Bagoong Sisi can be added to plain rice or used as a condiment for snacks, such as sliced green mango or boiled sweet potato.

  4. Ingredient: Bagoong Sisi can also be used as an ingredient in other dishes, such as fried rice or noodle dishes.

In addition to its use in Filipino cuisine, Bagoong Sisi is also used in other Southeast Asian cuisines, such as Thai and Vietnamese cuisine. It is a versatile and flavorful ingredient that adds depth and complexity to dishes.

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