English: List of Traditional or Native Cooking Implements Used in the Philippines / Deutsch: Liste der traditionellen oder einheimischen Kochutensilien auf den Philippinen / Español: Lista de utensilios de cocina tradicionales o nativos utilizados en Filipinas / Português: Lista de utensílios de cozinha tradicionais ou nativos usados nas Filipinas / Français: Liste des ustensiles de cuisine traditionnels ou indigènes utilisés aux Philippines / Italiano: Elenco di utensili da cucina tradizionali o nativi utilizzati nelle Filippine /

- List of Traditional or Native Cooking Implements Used in the Philippines :

1. Sianse - a wooden spatula used for turning food and searing meats
2. Llanera - a cooking molder used to mold egg custard called Leche Plan
3. Garapinera - native Ice Cream maker
4. Dikdikan/Almirez - stone or marble mortar and pestle used to grind spices and pound garlic and shrimp head for its juice.
5. Banga - earthenware vats to store water and where it is kept cold
6. Talyasi also called Kawa - a giant metal pan used to cook big amount of food or dishes usually for Fiestast or feast and family celebrations
7. Sandok - with a wooden handle and coconut shell used to scoop food ; a ladle
8. Gilingan - heavy round stone mill used to grind rice into a flour
9. Sangkalan - mostly a rectangular wood for cutting food
10. Kutsilyo - knife of all kinds
11. Kudkuran - refers to a native wooden grater , used to grate mature coconut meat/flesh, Also called Kabayo as the one who will grate the coconut will ride the Kudkuran which is in a form of a low bench with the other end with a protruding iron grater.
12. Chocolatera - a brass pot for whipping and making chocolate drink.
13. Garapinera - a machine for making ice cream
14. Salaan - a native bamboo strainer .
15. Tacho - a copper skillet with two (2) handles
16. Palayok - a red earthenware/ clay pot used to boil soups and also function as a steamer
17. Kalan - a clay stove for cooking food with the use of wood, charcoal or husk of mature coconut
18. Bistay - flat and wide strainer made of bamboo
19. Batidor - a wooden beater
20. Putuhan - a steamer used for making puto
21. Bibingkahan - a clay oven used to make bibingka rice cakes
22. Pansit L uglugan - a native noodle (Pancit ) strainer
23. Kawali - a frying pan usually made of metal; a Filipino cast-iron wok used for frying and alos for steaming.
24. Bilao - a bamboo rice winnower used to remove remaining dirt from drying /and rice husks before storing or cooking

25. Lusong - a heavy and big wooden pestle and mortar used to pound rice and boiled foods like Banana and Cassava for making Niuypak or Nilupak.

26. Bandeha or Bandehado - a big tray; platter

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