Deutsch: Grieß / Indian: Rava,
Semolina is the coarse, purified wheat middlings of durum wheat used in making pasta, breakfast cereals, puddings, and couscous. The term semolina is also used to designate coarse middlings from other varieties of wheat, and from other grains such as rice and maize.

In the food context, semolina is a coarse, yellow flour that is made from durum wheat. It is commonly used in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisine, and is used to make a variety of dishes. Here are some examples of how semolina is used in cooking:

  1. Pasta: Semolina is the primary ingredient in many types of pasta, including spaghetti, macaroni, and lasagna noodles.

  2. Couscous: A North African dish made from steamed semolina grains that are often served with vegetables and meat.

  3. Porridge: Semolina porridge is a popular breakfast dish in many countries. It can be sweetened with sugar and flavored with cinnamon or other spices.

  4. Cake: Semolina is sometimes used in cakes and other desserts to give them a unique texture and flavor.

  5. Bread: Semolina can be used to make a variety of breads, including Italian ciabatta and Indian naan.

Similar ingredients to semolina include:

  1. Cornmeal: A coarse flour made from maize, which can be used as a substitute for semolina in some recipes.

  2. Rice flour: A fine flour made from rice, which can be used as a substitute for semolina in some recipes.

  3. Almond flour: A flour made from ground almonds, which can be used as a substitute for semolina in some recipes.

  4. Wheat flour: A versatile flour that is used in a wide variety of dishes and cuisines. Wheat flour can be used as a substitute for semolina in some recipes.

  5. Polenta: A traditional Italian dish made from boiled maize meal, which is similar in texture to semolina.

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