Glossary H

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Hortela is the Portuguese word for "mint".

Huevo Revueltos is the Spanish term for "scrambled eggs".

Hapuupuu is the Hawaiian term for grouper, a sea bass (a kind of fish) whose use is hs already expanded from ethnic to non-ethnic restaurants.
Hagelslag refers to the chocolate-snippers which the Dutch traditionally sprinkle on their bread, lots of them. Today, Hagelslag are already in assorted and many chocolate varieties.
Huiler is the French term which means "to oil": Likewise, to grease a baking tin or baking pan in preparation for baking.
Huile d'arachide is the French term for "Peanut Oil", a kind of oil that is extracted from peanuts. Peanut oil is an ideal oil for deep frying becasue of its high melting point. Peanut oil is mostly used in Chinese cuisine. It is used in for cooking, purposes, in soaps and in the manufacture of some pharmaceutical products Huile d'arachide is pronounced "wheel dah-rah-sheed" English: Peanut oil, groundnut oil German: Erdnussöl, Arachusöl French: Huile de cacahuè. Huile d'arachide Spanish: Aceite de cacahuetes Scientific: Arachis hypogaea