Glossary H

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Huile de Colza is the French term for "Rapeseed Oil" which is also known in the United States as Canola Oil. Rapeseed oil is of vegetable origin and is obtained from crushed rapeseed by pressing or extraction. It is a light yellow to brownish yellow oil. Rapeseed oil is one of the most important vegetable oils. For centuries, humans and animals could not consume rapeseed oil, as it had a high erucic acid content. However, rapeseed varieties are now available for cultivation which have a lower erucic acid content. Rapeseed oil is used as an edible oil, a machine oil and in the production of margarine and soap. It may also serve as a substitute for diesel fuel (biodiesel). English: Rapeseed oil, rape oil German: Rapsöl, Rüböl French: Huile de colza (navette) Spanish: Aceite de colza (nabina) Scientific: Brassica napus
Hangikjot refers to Iceland's Christmas specialty of smoked cured lamb or mutton. However, in Iceland, Hangikjot is often enjoyed throughout the year, thinly sliced and sometimes served with fried eggs. Hangikjot simply means "smoked lamb" in Iceland.
Harkfiskur or Harðfiskur refers to Iceland's food made of fish that is wind-dried until brittle. Harkfiskur is eaten uncooked but pounded until soft and crumbly. The torn strips of fish are butter-dipped to eat. Harðfiskur simply refers to "dried fish" in Iceland usually haddock, or cod or catfish which must be eaten with butter.
Huile de Noix is the French term for "Walnut Oil" .Unlike other oils extracted from nuts, Walnut Oil is made by pressing walnuts that are dried or roasted and then cold-pressed. It is delicate and pale in color, with a rich nutty taste. Moreover, this expensive, delicate specialty oil is generally made in the Perigord and Burgundy regions of France, though there are also producers in Australia, New Zealand, and California. Walnut oil has a limited shelf life, about 6-12 months. Once opened, all nut oils should be kept in a cool place out of the light or refrigerated to prevent them from becoming rancid. But once you see how versatile it really is, I doubt it will sit around for long. Even the most ordinary of dishes will be transformed by its touch. Like other vegetable oils whihc can be used for cooking, Walnut oil is not a cooking oil because high heat destroys its delicate flavor. Where it does shine is as an ingredient in a salad dressing or a fresh pasta sauce or to give a final splash over a finished dish.
Hosui Pear refers to a variety of Asian Pear. It is a medium pear with a crisp, apple flavor. It has a golden reddish-brown skin.
Huile de Sesame is the French term for "Sesame Oil" Sesame oil is of vegetable origin and is obtained from sesame seeds by pressing. The sesame plant is similar in type to oil-seed rape and is cultivated in particular in the East Indies. Cold-pressed sesame oil is light yellow, has a mild flavor and is odorless. Hot-pressed sesame oil is darker and has a more pungent taste. Sesame oil is an excellent edible oil and is used in the production of margarine, halvah and confectionery products and for cooking purposes particularly in Asian cuisine. English Sesame oil, gingelly oil German Sesamöl, Gingellöl French Huile de sésame Spanish Aceite de sésamo Scientific Sesamum indicum

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