Glossary H

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Deutsch: Indisch / Español: Hindú / Português: Indiano / Français: Indien / Italiano: Indiano /

Hindi refers to an Indo-European language spoken mainly in northern and central India, is the primary official language of the Union government of India. It is part of a dialect continuum of the Indic family, bounded on the northwest and west by Punjabi, Sindhi, Urdu, and Gujarati; on the south by Marathi ; on the southeast by Oriya; on the east by Bengali; and on the north by Nepali. Hindi is the National Language of India and the regional language of six states- Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh. It is spoken by 437 million people in the world. Hindi is the official language of India.

Haddock is a fish from the cod family.

Hache refer to a Dutch stew that is made beef and onions simmered with vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, cloves and bay leaf.

Ham hock refers to the lower portion of a hog's hind leg, often used to flavor soups, beans, vegetables and stews. Moreover, it is a pork cut taken from the ankle joint on the leg of a pig, usually the foreleg. Ham Hocks are available fresh, smoked or cured. The Hock is used to flavor soups, stews, collard greens, and other slow-cooked or boiled dishes. This piece of meat may also be referred to as a cut from the shank or a shank cut.

Halvah refers to a Middle Eastern candy made from ground sesame seeds and honey, and sometimes, dried fruit or nuts. Halvah also spelled as Halva or Halwa is a popular Indian dessert made with various vegetables and flour. It is made from carrots and pumpkin in South of India or Wheat or Besan flour.

Hamburger Rauchfleisch refers to smoked beef brisket that is boiled and served cold. Hamburger Rauchfleisch is German dish.

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