Glossary A

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A la Meuniere literally means "in the style of the miller's wife", that refers to fish and indicates a dusting of flour, fried in butter and served with beurre Meuniere (beurre noir or brown butter with lemon juice and parsley) with lemon juice and parsley.

Ataif also known as Gatayef or Kataif is an Arabic small pancakes stuffed with nuts, like walnuts or cheese and doused with syrup.

Appenzeller is a kind of semi-hard Cheese made from unpasturized cow's milk which is produce from the Appenzell region of Switzerland

Alisan ng buto is a Filipino term which means to pit or to remove the seeds, particularly of fruits. Filipino fruits, like Pakwan (Watermelon), Atis (Sweetsop), Langka(Jackfruit) are just some of the examples of fruits with plenty of seeds, so before they are eaten or made into juices, their seeds must be removed (Alisan ng buto).

a la gauloise refers to a French soup of cock's combs and kidneys. It is also known as a French garnish - a name used in particular for a garnish served with clear soup, consisting of cocks' combs and kidneys.

Äppeltarte is the Swedish word for "apple tart", a tart or a pie with apple as the basic ingredient

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