English: Stonefish / Deutsch: Steinfisch / Español: Pez piedra / Português: Peixe-pedra / Français: Poisson-pierre / Italiano: Pesce pietra /

Bihod is a Filipino or Ilonggo word which means fish roe

In the food context, "bihod" refers to fish roe, specifically the eggs or spawn of various fish species. The term "bihod" is derived from the Filipino or Ilonggo language, which is spoken in certain regions of the Philippines. Fish roe is considered a delicacy in many cuisines around the world and is valued for its unique flavor, texture, and nutritional properties.

Here are some examples of popular fish roe varieties and how they are used in different cuisines:

1. Tuna Roe: Tuna roe, also known as "caviar of the tropics," is highly prized for its rich and buttery flavor. It is often enjoyed raw as a sushi topping or incorporated into various Japanese dishes like sashimi, sushi rolls, and rice bowls.

2. Salmon Roe: Salmon roe, commonly referred to as "salmon caviar" or "ikura" in Japanese cuisine, is known for its vibrant orange color and distinctive pop of flavor. It is often used as a topping for sushi, served with blinis or toast points, or incorporated into sushi rolls and salads.

3. Tobiko: Tobiko refers to the roe of flying fish and is popular in Japanese cuisine. It comes in various colors, including orange, red, green, and black, and has a crunchy texture. Tobiko is commonly used as a garnish for sushi, sashimi, and seafood dishes, adding a burst of color and a subtle briny taste.

4. Masago: Masago is the roe of the capelin fish and is similar in appearance to tobiko. It is smaller in size and has a milder flavor. Masago is often used as a sushi topping or mixed into sushi rice to add texture and flavor.

5. Uni: Uni refers to the roe of sea urchins and is highly prized for its delicate and creamy texture. It has a distinct oceanic flavor and is considered a delicacy in many cuisines, particularly in Japanese and Mediterranean dishes. Uni is commonly enjoyed as sashimi, served on sushi, or incorporated into pasta and risotto dishes.

Similar to bihod (fish roe), there are other food items that are valued for their unique flavors, textures, and culinary uses:

1. Caviar: Caviar is a general term that refers to the processed roe of sturgeon fish. It is highly regarded as a luxury food item and is known for its delicate flavor and smooth texture. Caviar is traditionally enjoyed on its own or served with blinis, toast points, or as a garnish for gourmet dishes.

2. Roe: Roe, in a broader sense, encompasses the eggs or spawn of various fish species beyond the specific types mentioned above. It includes the roe of fish like herring, trout, whitefish, and cod. Roe can be salted, cured, or cooked and is used in various preparations such as spreads, sauces, and as a topping for salads and canapés.

3. Fish Milt: Fish milt, also known as fish sperm, is another delicacy in certain cuisines. It is highly valued for its creamy texture and mild flavor. Fish milt is often cooked and served in dishes like tempura, stews, or as a filling for sushi rolls.

4. Fish Liver: Fish liver, such as cod liver or halibut liver, is prized for its rich flavor and high nutritional content. It is often used to make liver pâté or incorporated into traditional dishes like fish liver oil capsules.

5. Seafood Roe Substitutes: In some culinary contexts, roe substitutes are used as alternatives to traditional fish roe. For example, vegetarian caviar or "mock cavi

ar" made from seaweed or other plant-based ingredients can provide a similar texture and flavor experience for those who prefer a non-animal product.

Bihod (fish roe) and other roe varieties mentioned above are valued for their unique flavors, textures, and culinary applications. They add depth, visual appeal, and a hint of brininess to various dishes, ranging from sushi and seafood preparations to gourmet appetizers and spreads.


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