Glossary D

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- Dende Oil / Dendê Oil : Dende Oil is Portuguese for "Palm Oil", which is higly used in Brazilian and Portuguese cooking. As an example, three (3) of Bahia's food are made or cooked with Palm Oil: Vatapa, Acaraje and Caruru

Dobos Torta refers to a Hungarian rich sponge cake topped with caramel. Dobos Torta is one of Hungarian desserts made by preparing a light round sponge cake, usually 5 to 7 layers, which is split and filled with a rich smooth chocolate filling. The top layer of Dobos Torta is scored into narrow wedges and coated with a hot caramel that hardens almost immediately. These caramel-coated wedges are then arranged in spiral fashion with alternate rosettes of chocolate cream as the finishing touch.

Daddawa refers to an African black, fermented paste which is made from the flat beans of the locust tree. This is a different tree from the European locust tree, which produces Carob beans. Daddawa, also known as Iru or Ogili, is stored in hard cakes. It is extremely smelly, but adds a wonderful flavor to sauces. Daddawa is sold in cakes, balls or bouillon cubes, only from West African grocers. If not available, Daddawa can be substituted with Maggi Sauce .

Dovi refers to a paste or stew made from groundnuts or peanut butter. Peanut is called groundnut in South Africa. Moreover, Dovi refers to Zimbabwe's peanut butter stew, one of the typical foods of the country. Dovi is made by sauteing the following ingredients: chicken, onion, tomatoes, green peppers, butter, smooth peanut butter, cayenne pepper, spices and salt and pepper to taste. Dovi is usually serve with greens, like spinach side by side. Zimbabweans seem to love Peanut Butter more than any and it shows with Dovi which is probably the most typical Zimbabwean dish. The Republic of Zimbabwe (formerly known as the Republic of Rhodesia) is a landlocked country in the southern part of the continent of Africa. It is bordered by Mozambique to the east, South Africa to the south, Botswana to the southwest and Zambia to the northwest.

Dot or Dotting is a culinary term used when small pieces of butter (usually) are evenly distributed over the top of a pie, gratin, etc.; Dotting is putting small pieces on top of foods; to spot small particles of butter over the top of something.

Dicke Bohnen mit Rauchfleisch refers to a German dish; broad beans prepared or cooked with bacon and smoked pork belly. Dicke Bohnen mit Rauchfleisch is a traditional dish of Westphalia, a region in North-Rhine Westphalia. North-Rhine Westphalia is one of the the 16 Federal States of Germany. Dicke Bohne is also known in German as Saubohne (Vicia Faba) , while Rauchfleisch means smoked meat.

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