Deutsch: Palmzucker / Español: Panela / Português: Rapadura / Français: Sucre de palme / Italiano: Zucchero di palma /

Jaggery (Panela) or Gudh is a "natural" sweetener made with the concentrated sugarcane juice.

It did not have any chemicals or synthetic additives or preservatives. Jaggery (Panela) is rich in nutrition and contains lot of minerals, protein, and vitamins.

Jaggery is a type of unrefined cane sugar that is commonly used in South Asian, Southeast Asian, and African cuisines. It is made by boiling and evaporating sugarcane juice until it solidifies into a block or cake. Jaggery is known for its distinctive flavor and aroma, which is described as a cross between caramel and molasses.

Here are some examples of how jaggery is used in various cuisines:

  • In Indian cuisine, jaggery is used as a sweetener in many traditional dishes, such as gur ka halwa (a sweet pudding made with jaggery and semolina), gur wale chawal (rice cooked with jaggery and spices), and chikki (a type of candy made with jaggery and nuts).

  • In Sri Lankan cuisine, jaggery is used to make traditional sweets such as kavum (deep-fried rice flour cakes) and pani walalu (deep-fried doughnuts).

  • In Indonesian cuisine, jaggery is used in a variety of sweet and savory dishes, such as gudeg (a stew made with jackfruit, coconut milk, and jaggery) and kolak (a sweet dessert made with coconut milk, plantains, and jaggery).

  • In African cuisine, jaggery is used in various traditional dishes, such as maandazi (deep-fried doughnuts), sweet potato pudding, and tea sweetened with jaggery.

Jaggery is often used as a healthier alternative to refined sugar because it contains more nutrients such as iron, magnesium, and potassium. It is also believed to have various health benefits such as aiding digestion, improving immunity, and preventing respiratory problems.

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