Deutsch: Goto / Español: Goto / Português: Goto / Français: Goto / Italiano: Goto /

Goto is the Filipino term for "tripe ". The most famous dish of the Philippines using Goto or Tripe is "Goto" which refers to a congee made of tripe and glutinous rice.


Goto is a traditional Filipino breakfast food made with a combination of glutinous rice, ginger, and chicken or beef broth. It is a type of rice porridge, often served warm and topped with a variety of savory ingredients such as crispy fried garlic, green onions, and boiled eggs. Goto is known for its comforting and soothing qualities, making it an ideal dish for cold or rainy days. The rice in Goto is cooked until it softens and thickens the broth, resulting in a hearty and filling meal that is both nutritious and delicious.

Application Areas

Treatment and Risks

  • Goto can be a good source of carbohydrates and protein, making it a nourishing meal option.
  • However, excessive consumption of Goto may lead to an increase in calorie intake due to its high carbohydrate content.
  • It is important to control portion sizes and balance Goto with other nutritious foods to maintain a healthy diet.


  • Goto topped with crispy fried garlic and boiled egg
  • Goto with shredded chicken and green onions
  • Goto garnished with chopped spring onions and chili flakes

Similar Concepts and Synonyms

Articles with 'Goto' in the title

  • Goto Batangas: Goto Batangas refers to a variety of Philippine Goto or rice porridge which is a specialty from Batangas. Goto Batangas is different from the traditional Goto (Goto Arroz Caldo) which most Filipinos know


Goto is a traditional Filipino rice porridge dish typically made with glutinous rice, ginger, and chicken or beef broth. It is a comforting and hearty meal often enjoyed for breakfast or on cold days. With its warm and savory flavors, Goto is a beloved dish that provides nourishment and satisfaction to those who enjoy it.


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