Glossary W

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Water', 'Walnut', 'Wine'
Wijn is the Dutch for "wine".

Wigeon refers to the name used used for both duck and drake. A Drake is a male duck.

Wallop is the British slang for "Beer". Wallop is also an old cooking term which means to boil with a continued bubbling noise.
Walnuss is the German word for "Walnut" which is usually used for making desserts and also as a toppng for salads.
Windfalls is an to an old/historic term for "Hard pears" .
Wapiti is a Canadian deer prepared like venison; a North American deer which is still a part of Quebec's cooking. In Quebec, games are popular, including venison, quail, goose, caribou, and Wapiti. Many menus feature emu and lamb raised north of Québéc City in Charlevoix.